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Weird Bikes

I love biking, I love bikes, I love building things. This has naturally (or perhaps unnaturally) led me to build weird bikes, which I have had on display and available for people to ride at various organized rides and maker fairs. Let me know if you have an event that could benefit from some weirdness, if you are interested in ordering a custom-built weird bike, or would like to learn to build one yourself.

Thanks to Supporters of Weird Bikes:

Critical Mass, Milwaukee, legitimizing the weirdness

Dreambikes, for those obscure, used, cheap parts no one else can find

The Gentlemen of Shorewood, legitimizing the weirdness

Green Bicycle Co., Sheboygan, legitimizing the weirdness

Chris Johnson, engineering consulting

Patricia and Bernie Newman, donating bikes that became the red P.F. and swing bike

Glennn Schumann, engineering consulting

Sheboygan Active Transportation, legitimizing the weirdness

Tall Pines Conservancy, legitimizing the weirdness

Paul Torosian, extraordinary raw material acquisition

Amelia Zentner, artistic consulting

Ethan Zentner, engineering consulting

George Zentner, showing that one can build or fix anything worthy of building or fixing

Kathy Zentner, encouraging risk taking, test rider

Mark Zentner, custom metal cutting

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